As of this morning no takers on the Jaycee or the male pup. But did receive notice of two more needing homes.
Sally, 3 yr old spayed female.
Here is her owner's 'Free to a Good Home' listing from Craigslist: She is a border collie who loves her sheep, but get a bit excited and grabs their necks with her teeth. She is fixed and about 3 years old. Not house trained. Not mean or aggressive. Very loving, but she has to live on a chain at my house. No pictures of her.
Shep, 6 mo male. Shep is a bc or aussie mix puppy. He's not going to be very big, weighs about 23 pounds now. Gorgeous markings, robust and healthy, great temperament, happy demeanor, fine with other dogs and children. His owner died suddenly. Photos above.
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