I was sent this info just this evening by a fellow rescuer, these are her words:
This is Jaycee, (photos above) she is 7 months old and has never been untied. They had her on a tether between two trees. She has lived outside since the family got her and I know the kids have kicked and hit her. She immediately came to me and knew that I was going to rescue her. She has killed their young chickens and ducks that wandered too close to her. Instead of putting the birds in a pen, they tried to pen her up in a pen with plastic fencing. She is really a nice little girl that has had no postive attention or training. She does know to sit and lie down. I had her vaccinated today and am boarding her in a kennel where she can be with other dogs. I don't think that she has ever played with another dog, so this will give her some exposure to dogs of all sizes under supervision.
She is safe in her current setting. If you would like to consider loving this young dog please contact me. I will put you in contact with her rescuer. Below in a short paragraph about a second Border Collie. As soon as I get the pictures I'll post them. Sounds as if he will be ready for a new home soon too.
(Levi) I also have another little shorthair Border Collie with a docked tail. A Best Friends person found him lying in the freeway near La Grande, dehydated and near death. She brought the sick and skinny little guy home and is nursing him back to health. He looks like he is about three months old. He has had his shots and wormed and should be ready to leave his foster home in another week or so. I am supposed to get pictures of him later tonight or tomorrow.
I'm posting this to my blog so I can easily get the info interested parties without doing individual emails. Please do consider adopting these dogs. I'm willing to provide whatever I can to help anyone interested in giving either of these dogs a home.
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