Mazzie's tale, her family is seeking a new home for her. If you are interested please see her listing on under Shedd Rescue on or contact me directly.
Mazzie is a Border Collie/Lab mix. She turned 8 this past September and has been our dog since January 2004 when we adopted her at a shelter in Dallas, TX at 3 months old. Mazzie was brought into the shelter after her and her sister were found in a field. She is blind in one eye because it is thought that damage was done to it while she lived out in the field. In the years that she has been part of our family, the eye has never had any issues. Aside from this, she is a very healthy, happy and affectionate dog.
Nobody could ask for a better dog! She obeys rules and instructions; she doesn’t bark; she doesn’t have accidents; she is great with kids and very low maintenance. She is easy to train and wants to please. Mazzie is such a sweetie and deserves a ton of love and affection – which is why we’re looking for a new home for her. (We have two young children and are finding that we just don’t have the energy to give her all that she deserves.)
Where is she at right now? How much is the adoption fee?
Animal lover:
This is Mazzie's petfinder link. Go there for more info.
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