Friday, October 22, 2010

A personal note

I began this blog with the goal of showing what it’s like to foster border collies and to possibly encourage others to do the same. I hope that is what I’ve done.

When I had to part with a dog I’d grown especially fond of it was impossible for me to put that into writing, tears flowed in private. When a foster dog showed dangerous behavior that would make it unsafe to place in a new home that decision was made, also impossible to explain in a blog post and caused more tears.

Dealing with an owner needing to find a home for their dog on a moments notice, telling me they would SHOOT it if I didn’t take it. Does that sound like blackmail? Owners tell me their dog BITEs children, then get mad at me because I won’t take it. Owners with a senior pet needing to make that end of life decision, wanting me to do it instead by placing it the dog in my care. Add the many dogs from county animal control, that owners won’t even bother to come and get knowing they could be put to death if the kennels are all full.

I don’t want this post to be read as depressing or sad. I write to explain my feeling of “being all used up”. Sorting through applicants has become something I dread. Trying to glean information during a phone call that would tell me if this person will be a truly caring compasionate dog owner. Listening for those red flags such as, “I used a shock collar on my last dog” warning me they may be a bad choice.

Until recently the joy of sending a dog to a new home was reward enough. There have been so many very wonderful families that have adopted a fostered Border Collie, about 20 a year. I thank them deeply.

I’d like to devote more time to my own dogs. Bud and Bonzie are getting older so having a new foster dog in the pack is stressful for them. And then my precious little terriers they fill my heart with little dog joy.

My wish is for others to do the fostering for a while. Two families have started doing just that. I’ll be here to support their efforts in any way I can. A big thank you to them.

Border Collies needing homes and/or foster care will still be posted. Otherwise I share the on going life here at Shedd, hoping you will bear with me as I take some time to regenerate so to speak.


Emma Rose said...

Completely understandable - don't beat yourself up. You have done so much good. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have heard how stressfull rescue is and when you need to quit or take a break that decision is not taken lightly. It's great that there are two others that have started.

I am so glad you will continue the blog. I would really miss my Libby-fix. I'm totally addicted!

Someday I would like to drive down there to meet you and see Libby in action.

Hartdogz said...

Vicki!!! You have done so much for so long it is time to take care of you! Walking away from rescue 3 years ago is the healthiest thing I have done for my family and deserve down time!!!! Maybe now we'll have time to e-mail :)