Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ali and Addy update

With nine canines in the house and a busy work schedule, blog time is low on the "to do" list.

Ali is being spayed this morning and I have several applications working for her. She is such a happy bouncy youngster, she will heal fast.
October 2nd, Ali has found a wonderful home in Powell Butte OR.

Addy will go in for his neuter surgery on Friday. I noticed this morning that he is just now becoming settled enough to start playing with toys. Maybe he's decided it's really okay here. He still keeps an eye on his girl Ali, always knowing where she is.

I always warn/instruct new adopters that the dog you know in the first couple days will be so different in a week or two or three. Some times the companion that emerges is better sometimes not. For those who aren't familiar with adopting from a rescue most use a contract stating the dog will be returned to the adopting rescue for what ever reason during the life of the dog. It doesn't happen often. That is why we take the time to interview and do a home visit so we can place a dog in a home that fits the individual dog best. Patience from canines and humans both help to make "forever" placements.

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