At 10 months old this pup finds himself arriving at his third home. I believe it's the similar tale of another cute young pup tied in the back yard to waste the most important learning weeks of its youth. Dexter's owner contacted a shelter I work closely with. He over reacts to strangers with barking, imagine that. So after a couple scares the mom needs to re-home him. Shelters can not take a dog knowing such information since they would be liable if it were to bite someone. Luckily I happened to be there so home with me he came.

With all the information available on TV talk shows, Animal Planet, and even "you tube" you would think people could learn about the breed they are choosing. At least learn about raising a pup correctly. There is a lot of free help out there, 4-H, dog clubs, even sales clerks in pet supply stores can offer help or a fellow dog owner. Take what you hear and apply it. I suppose I'm telling all who read this what you already know. Dexter is a great little pup, affectionate, happy, does well with other dogs and is only mildly reactive to strangers. He got a crappy start in life. He will need time and training to become a well socialized dog.